Another new creation I came up with - a pomander ball for a flower girl -I had this ball that I have kept thinking I need to do something about and finally everything came together and I have created a new unique design that is sure to be a best seller! I found this super cute bird that will come close 2nd to my white birds! They are limited edition and I wanted to create somehtign fun and new with them..
I have here created a pomander for a flower girl using a moss ball and 2 of my cutest blue bird I have ever found! The ball is held by a pink martha stewart ribbon.On the top roost 2 blue birds and I have attached pink handmade stephanotis and spotted guinea feathers.The ball is gorgeous and would be great photo op for the flower girl.It would be great for a garden wedding.
This would be perfect for a garden wedding!Custom requests are welcome!
Design and photos are sole properties of ©stjudescreations.
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