I wanted a theme of giving thanks and the beauty of this fall season here in New England makes me want to reflect of the things of this past year,the goodness bestowed on us this year and of course of the losses that some of us might have gone though.In everything we give thanks!

I had spied a fall shaped PostItNotes,yes they are postits, in Staples and had quickly bought it and filed it away for some use so I unearthed that. Googling "give thanks" led me to the Free Give Thanks Printable via PaperSource combining these two I created this lovely wreath in a jiffy!
2.Paper Leaves -you can try Staples or you can download a free printable template here and replicate them.
5.Banner - download here

Cut out a round shape as the base using thick cardstock paper.I used my wastepaper basket as my template! Flipped it to get the inner ring..
Fold the leaves along the centers to crease a crease.Having sticky sides sticking the paper leave were easy but I did dab glue on the difficult ones.
Starting on side place 2 facing outwards layering them till you reach the bottom.
Step4. Start from the other side to bring down to make a bunch at the bottom.
Add a ribbon at the bottom!
Download and cut the give thanks banner,staple the ends (easier than double sided tape) and attach to the middle.
And here is a pinnable that you can pin to do this later!
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus" 1 Thessalonians 5:18